Bollywood Celebrities attend Hemant Tantia song launch for Republic Day

On the 67th Republic Day 1.2 billion people will celebrate the 66th anniversary of having become a sovereign state. Like the curate’s egg — good and bad in parts, the year has been divisive in its texture and given us considerable concerns for the future. Republic day in India is celebrated every year with great honour on 26th of January to honour the Constitution of India this year will be become special when our Deputy Commissioner of Customs Hemant Tantia will dedicate his solo Album ” Bharat Maa Ke Santan Hain Hum” salute the efforts which is being made by the real life “heroes” who save many people. Hemant Tantia has made a video featuring his family to salute the brave hearts who died fighting for the nation.


Hemant Tantia has unveiled his album to Defence Minister of  India Manohar Parrikar, Jharkhand CM Raghubar Das and Ratan Tata and released the album by Actor Sanjay Khan, Akbar Khan, Pratap Sarnaik, Sawan Kumar and Krishna Hegde. Hemant Tantia said, “Being an Indian I feel our soldiers are the real hero who fights for us and dedicates their life to Mother land India. I wanted to dedicate a video “Bharat Maa Ke Santan Hain Hum” a non-commercial patriotic song. to the real heroes of our land who are out there slogging day and night on a platform called democracy in our country .”


Others present at the event were Pratyusha Banerjee, Rahul Raj Singh, Poonam Pandey, Shaila Chadda, Smita Singh, Bhavya Gandhi, Meghna Patel, Vandana Vadera, Manoj Williams, Satish Reddy, Sanjay Gandhi and Dr Sunita Dubey.

Bollywood Celebrities attend Hemant Tantia song launch for Republic Day

India Will become super powerful Nation in 2017, predicted by Godman Jagdacharya Shri Chandraswami

Poverty and corruption are still rampant in India, but the world’s largest democracy is poised to rise to superpower status. Yes, it’s true India will soon become the Super powerful in the world and it is predicted by none other than Godman Jagdacharya Shri Chandraswami who is known and very popular to his prediction and tantra –mantra knowledge. Godman Jagdacharya Shri Chandraswami spoke to World News Network,and said , “India has seen considerable coverage of its potential of becoming a superpower and strongest nation in the world.”

He said, “After 2016, we’ll have political stability, till then there will be ups and downs. There are challenges, of course, political, cultural and economic factors could slow down or derail progress, government corruption could be harder to eradicate than imagined, and oversized economic ambitions could crash against the hard reality of poor infrastructure and widespread poverty. But I can see that the world needs another vision and India may reach its desired destination in a straight line or in the timeframe in 2017”.

Earlier Swamiji has earned the admiration of international heads of state. According to him, they all deserve equal importance.  Margaret Thatcher the Iron Lady, who was renowned for her no-nonsense direct approach, conversed with self-proclaimed faith healer and preacher Shri Chandraswami in 1975 when Swamiji predicted about her future to being a Prime Minister.

Apparently, two former Prime Ministers,  Late PV Narasimha Rao and Chandrashekhar, Ex-Bihar CM Lalu Prasad Yadav, EX UP Governor Romesh Bhandari, the sultan of Brunei, Bahrain ruler Sheikh Isha Kaleefa, and Elizabeth Taylor continue to pay obeisance and regularly seek his blessings. The man is shrouded by so much mystery and that there is a lot more to him than what the world knows. He says, “I am a man of god. I serve my people. I have never done anything wrong. I am born to help people and my life is dedicated to my friends and followers, who need my help.” Wearing a sparkling white dhoti, kurta and silk angavastram, the tilak prominent on his forehead makes him different from others.

He said as you have seen all my previous predications are correct now mark my words my prediction of India becoming superpower will come true.

Shikha Dhariwal

Godman Jagdacharya Shri Chandraswami


India Will become super powerful Nation in 2017, predicted by Godman Jagdacharya Shri Chandraswami