World News Network the most searched News Website in India, Middle East and Europe

The News is packaged information about current events happening anywhere in the world. News moves through many different media, based on word of mouth, printing, postal systems, broadcasting, and electronic communication. It is possible to read several newspapers on e-readers via an application of the company Newspaper Direct, now a day’s Digital News is gaining more popularity like never before and if you get whatever you want under one roof so what will be the better place than World News Network. WNN a news portal where you will get everything you want and in all your languages. WNN will be the exclusive home to SHOWTIME’s growing portfolio of programming across all its territories in the UK, Ireland, Germany, Austria, Dubai, Russia, New York, Italy and much more. Recently World News Network has been launched in Dubai.

What is World news Network, it  is one of the online news portal  covering various segments in Entertainment, Business, Politics, etc from leading writers worldwide. WNN Network’s purpose is to give a truly international perspective on world events. On one site WNN provides access to over 500 diverse news providers and journalists  which include  from US, UK, France, Germany, UAE, India and Asia. The content that WNN providing news will be made in various languages like English, French, Arabic, German, Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Punjabi, Urdu, Bengali, Telugu, Kannada, Tamil etc. WNN Network users represent a highly attractive demographic from India and worldwide; by region, country, city, industry or language. It gives breaking headline news on topics tailored to your choice and also Grow visitor loyalty with a quality real-time news that focuses on the markets We  watch that  you Stay ahead of the game in the news with  World News Network. it has Real-time news coverage on current, national and international events plus additional content from WNN photojournalists.

World News Network the most searched News Website in India, Middle East and Europe

Karnataka CID to Investigate Class 12 question paper leak for the second time

When Class 10 and 12 boards are almost around the corner then almost every year, cases of question papers getting leaked make headlines. Not only students, it has also been observed that many teachers and parents to have been helping them out in such unethical practices. Recently the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) have been entrusted with the investigation of the leakage of question papers pertaining to the Pre-University Course Board Final Examinations (Class 12th of Karnataka PU Board). The Chemistry (New Syllabus) examination was scheduled for the 21st March 2016 and noticing that the question paper for the examination was out in public domain, the PU Board cancelled the examination and subsequently lodged a police complaint to investigate the matter. For the second time in Karnataka PU board decided to postpone the pre-university course examination for the second time in the last ten days. The irresponsibility of the PU board has affected over 1.4 lakh students. The common entrance test is a gateway for various courses. As per the PU Board has assured saying no such things will happen again. Then, why has this happened?” Because of their negligence students, future are at stake. The question arise How is it that they cannot protect a single question paper?. On social media site twitter handle CID team has alert the PU Board by saying, ” @CIDKarnataka alerted #PUBoard reg leakage of re-exam paper and Thnx 2 alert citizens 4 sharing”


The unscrupulous and illegal acts of few individuals affected the preparations and future of 172,504 students who were registered to take this exam. The students are put to enormous hardship and stress so is their parents and also the teachers who spent their valuable time, resources to focus on the preparation of the students.


In a similar incident of 2012, CID has successfully investigated the leakage of PUC Examination Question papers and we place on record the tremendous amount of support and sharing of information received from all the sections of the society. Curbing this kind of illegal criminal acts and playing with the lives of lakhs of young children by certain unscrupulous elements needs to be curbed and dealt with an iron hand.


Pratap Reddy, IPS Additional Director General of Police, CID said, “CID has pressed into service experienced investigators including Cyber Crime and Technical Experts to investigate the case from all angles. However, the fact that, the PUC examinations are still going on and any questioning of students attending the exam,  is being considered with utmost sensitivity by the CID. We in CID would request the students and parents, teachers and administrators of colleges, officials connected with the PU Board Exams to share with CID any information in full confidence to us. The information shared by you will be kept confidential.”


It is being seen that during investigations that, information pertaining to the leaked question papers was shared via MMS, Messages, Whatsapp, Facebook, e-mail etc. It is hereby advised to one and all who may have received, shared such information on any medium to ensure that the same is ‘’NOT DELETED” at any cost. You are requested to share such information to CID to facilitate, help and support investigations. Any information if found deleted wantonly with a view to hamper the investigations, the person responsible will be charged.


You can share in confidence with us:

Mobile Phone / Whatsapp: +919480800123                                     e-mail:

Follow us on:

facebook: CID Karnataka                                                                       Twitter: @CIDKarnatka



Nilofer  Ansari

Karnataka CID to Investigate Class 12 question paper leak for the second time

World News Network the most searched News Website in India, Middle East and Europe

The News is packaged information about current events happening anywhere in the world. News moves through many different media, based on word of mouth, printing, postal systems, broadcasting, and electronic communication. It is possible to read several newspapers on e-readers via an application of the company Newspaper Direct, now a day’s Digital News is gaining more popularity like never before and if you get whatever you want under one roof so what will be the better place than World News Network. WNN a news portal where you will get everything you want and in all your languages. WNN will be the exclusive home to SHOWTIME’s growing portfolio of programming across all its territories in the UK, Ireland, Germany, Austria, Dubai, Russia, New York, Italy and much more. Recently World News Network has been launched in Dubai.


What is World news Network, it  is one of the online news portal  covering various segments in Entertainment, Business, Politics, etc from leading writers worldwide. WNN Network’s purpose is to give a truly international perspective on world events. On one site WNN provides access to over 500 diverse news providers and journalists  which include  from US, UK, France, Germany, UAE, India and Asia. The content that WNN providing news will be made in various languages like English, French, Arabic, German, Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Punjabi, Urdu, Bengali, Telugu, Kannada, Tamil etc. WNN Network users represent a highly attractive demographic from India and worldwide; by region, country, city, industry or language. It gives breaking headline news on topics tailored to your choice and also Grow visitor loyalty with a quality real-time news that focuses on the markets We  watch that  you Stay ahead of the game in the news with  World News Network. it has Real-time news coverage on current, national and international events plus additional content from WNN photojournalists.


Nilofer  Ansari

World News Network the most searched News Website in India, Middle East and Europe

Uttrakhand Local employment is at stake

There’s no better way to experience the sheer energy of the Ganga as you are tossed around the rapids with the ice-cold water hitting you hard in the face, sending you into raptures of an adrenaline high.  And then to sleep under the stars on the white sandy beaches as the waters of the Ganga gush past, bringing an end to the adventure-filled day while a boom in campsites, and fly-by-night this is what rafting is all about.


Uttarakhand state in India is well known for its mountainous ecosystems, traditional communities and a variety of ecotourism destinations. Among various tourism activities, River Rafting along the banks of the Ganges River has increased tremendously for two decades. But as per the researchers rafting unprecedented impacts is happening on the traditional communities and the bio-diversity. The questionnaire contains issues on culture, social, economic, institutional and associated perceived impacts on pollution and biodiversity including views for sustainability. But the ranking analysis as per collected data reveals that economy and education of local community was improved significantly.


Recently River rafting and camping along the Ganga in Uttarakhand is leaving behind a trail of negative socio-cultural impacts. Now National Green Tribunal is acting against the river rafting as the present state of the holy river Ganges has been a subject of great concern within public discourse over the past few months. It is stated that it might be difficult to save the river and it is a very urgent need for implementing measures to prevent discharge of sewage and industrial effluents into the river. In the backdrop of the issue is the natural lure of River Ganga, which offers uncommon environmental diversity, captivating scenery and a remarkable adventure and wilderness experience. This encourages tourism on the bank of the river that involves camping, white-water rafting and kayaking.


However, a majority of the villagers are in favour of such activities because they draw direct and indirect economic benefit from  the rafting tourism. If River Rafting will not get permission for the further session it might happen the worker section of Uttarakhand will face major economic imbalance because many workers get their day to day need fulfilled  because of tourist which attract to River Ganga.


Kiran Bhatt Todaria President of Indian Association of Professional Rafting Outfitters speak about the rafting scenario in Uttarakhand ,he said ,”On behalf of the entire community of camping operators, I am taking the liberty of strongly reiterating that the beach camps should be started immediately on previous allotment system – a reassurance given by Govt, so that we do not lose any time for balance of this season. If not, the situation may spiral out of control as the ramifications of this decision could be interpreted by the employees of camp operators as callous disregard by their employers and the administration, whom they may hold as the first party responsible for the loss of their livelihoods. In short, it could become a political issue for the constituency. The management plan, environmental audits and carrying capacity can be done simultaneously and fully implemented at the start of the next season. Simultaneously we would emphasize that no effort would be spared by our Association and senior members  to work in co-operation with Govt on the issues mentioned here in the larger interest of the State and it’s unique developmental limitations.”


Tourism Minister Dinesh Dhanai said, “Rafting camps have been closed, and this is certainly affecting not only tourism even Uttrakhand economy also.It couldn’t sort out till now because of the major difference between central government and Uttarakhand government .the minister added further that Uttrakhand government is taking an initiative to open the barriers but the central government is not keen to work out on this .”


EX Director Garhwal Mandal Vikas Nigam Pankaj Bhatt said, “We don’t have many options for employment here in Uttarakhand and rafting is one of the biggest earning sources for local people. but it has been closed and now Uttarakhand government is not taking any initiative to open these camps again. obviously, youth has lost their earning source so we will support them.And if Uttrakhand government will not be taking this forward then definitely we will come out along with our men for a big strike. Administration can react like deaf and dumb but I am always there to support youth.


Well, it is quite shocking that Where India’s most adventurous and exciting sport is going to vanish just because on the basis of environmental social culture where Government have to take the measures to protect the environment.But the Uttrakhand is neglecting their part by blaming the tourism factor, due to their negligence and not allowing the rafting process in river Ganga they are taking away the employment of the local people who depends on them for their  livelihood.
Nilofer Ansari

Uttrakhand Local employment is at stake